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The Ronald Kipling Report for the Month of Our Lord:  November, Day of Our Lord:  Fourteen, Year of Our Lord:  Twenty Hundred!
Ronald Kipling - 11/14/00

What's That About!?

Hello America!  From the hoity toity rich bastards in the lofts of Manhattan.  To the little gutter mongrels in Detroit!  This is Ronald Kipling...

Germany needs to shut the hell up!

I apologize for being a little hot-headed about this subject.  But Germany needs to know when to shut the hell up.  Not only did they have Hitler but they're just not well liked.

And then they go and do this....

BERLIN - Three American exchange students did little to enhance the credibility of their country's voting system by failing miserably to count the number of chairs in the auditorium on a German television game show.

In a less-than-subtle dig at the United States' failure to produce a president-elect after almost a week of recounts, host Thomas Gottschalk Saturday gave the three students an hour to count the seats -- and got answers ranging from 1,860 to 2,077.

It may have been only a game show, but there was plenty of gloating Monday.

The mass-circulation daily Bild could not resist reminding readers how Republican candidate George W. Bush accused his Democratic opponent Al Gore of using ``fuzzy math'' in his campaign assertions.

The daily Die Welt simply added: ``Americans can't count.''



That's what I have to stay you and your despicable country!

Laugh it up!  Guess what we're still the world power!  In fact we're the sole mother f'n power!

Germany, you think we can't count!?  Stupid American Foreign Exchange Students can't count.  I can count how many times I'm going to kick a German's ass when I visit next fall.

Guess what, a lot of you punks can't speak English as well as I can.  Ha!  AHAHAHAHA! HAHAHAHA!  HAHAHAHAH!  LIKE ME NOW!!?


Some countries have no regard for the other citizens of other countries.  It just irks me.

SINGAPORE - A British lifestyle magazine has been pulled from news stands in Singapore for falling foul of the city state's tight controls on pornography -- but not before dozens of copies were snapped up.

Just how The Face's November issue got through the net is a mystery. It was sealed in lurid pink plastic with ``SEX'' emblazoned across the front in huge capital letters. Inside, the cover featured a topless model wearing a black G-string.

``It sold out very fast,'' one news agent who asked not to be identified told Reuters. ``But I don't see the problem. Kids don't buy this magazine and it was sealed in plastic.''

Singapore typically censors and bans publications and films deemed to have excessive amounts of sex and violence, references to drug use and material which could foment religious or racial intolerance between the Chinese, Malay and Indian communities.

Singapore has major problems my red-blooded American friends.

I ask all of you reading, what is wrong with a pornographic magazine?

I say spread the wealth!  Let those Singaporeans snatch those copies up.

This reminds me of the time that I was in Singapore and defaced some public property.  It was an action that made me feel right at home.  What didn't make me feel at home was the immediate detainment and caning that took place.

Wait....wait....That was some other guy


Finally, a job opportunity has opened up for me other then writing news columns

LONDON - British police said Sunday they were ready to accept former petty criminals and people with tattoos as part of their drive to boost the size of the force.

London's Metropolitan Police said it would no longer automatically bar people with criminal records from applying to join.

``This wouldn't apply to people who had shown criminal intent, like burglary,'' a spokeswoman said. ``But it means if someone had committed a minor offence they would not be automatically sifted out, as they were before.''

``If you hit the target on 19 out of 20 criteria and miss it on one we would consider your application,'' she added.

A rule banning all those with tattoos from joining the police has also been relaxed, she said.

The new rules are among measures taken by a new taskforce set up to tackle the shortfall of some 3,000 police officers in Britain.


I was arrested once or twice...five times.  I think Every American should get arrested 5 times!


Tattoos are dirty...Filthy, Filthy things of evil in my own view.  Germans have tattoos!


- Ronnie Kipling


These Bastards Fired Me!  John and Jane Q.  Viewer didn't like me and Bennett scaring the children.