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Casey Jones - 11/14/00

A NOTE FROM ROB:  I didn't have the moolah to pay for writers, so I searched far and wide for someone who could hold down the fort on the gaming end of genX.  I found Casey Jones at a Lancers Hockey game, I pay him in food and let him talk to me about "the glory days".

Yo dudes, this is Casey Jones!  Of the TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLE FAME!

Remember when I was with the Turtles!?  Man those days f'n kicked ass...big time bros.


Oh yeah, I got a chance to play the new WWF game on the N64 platform - NO MERCY.

Before we delve in my ninja dudes, let's run down what's new in the No Mercy game

The New Features

  • About 65 wrestlers with all the new guys - even some secret wrestlers.
  • Complex and new storylines
  • New Game Modes:  Ladder Match, Survival, some other shiznit too brahs.
  • Be the Special Ref and kick ass
  • Backstage Brawls in kick ass settings
  • New weapons.  Breakable Announcer Table, Billiards Table, Card table, lots of crap
  • More Career Mode
  • More with Create - A - Wrestler.  Only you have to buy the crap
  • Up to Date Sets for PPVS (like the Street Set for Royal Rumble) and Smackdown!
  • Up to Date Wrestling Animations and finishers (UT has come in with the Wedgiebomb)

They were f'n turtles....That Were Ninjas!  DAMN!  Those were good times.


I'm am psyched for this video game!  I'm crashing at Rob's and he has an N64.  I called up his local Best Buy and they said it would be in this Saturday!  ROCK!  To illustrate how rad this game is going to be, I went over to IGN and stole some pics!

Nevermind that It's Kane and X-Pac fighting.  Who could give two craps man!?  Look at that set!  Those swords are kind of like the ones that Leonardo used to fight with!  I used a hockey stick!  And Golf clubs!  Tiger Woods needs me as his caddy, if any fiends came on the green, man I'd be just CRAZY on them.

 I bet the cage will just be totally unforgiving!  Cage's suck because you can't do nothin' man!  While in the sewers, you can do tons of crap!  F'n turtles...They were so AWESOME!

Look at that set!  YEAH!

Look at that Ladder Mayhem!  I've never used a ladder, but I bet they hurt!  I bet the Turtles used a ladder once!

 Rob told me to put this one in here.

And if you can't tell from the pics that this game isn't going to kick a lot of booty all over the place.  Then take my word for it!  I swear it will man!  Trust in Casey Jones!  You must go out and buy it!


- Casey Jones


Thanks IGN!