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Triple H a God Among Men 
Rob - 11/8/00

(Feel free to steal this logo.  But at least give me credit)

I was sitting with my brother (aisle seats!) and it was Monday Night RAW.  This was back before the ramp, and it was more aisle!  So this regal music hits and we wonder who the hell is going to come down because we haven't heard it.

It was Hunter Hearst Helmsley in equestrian riding pants wrestling a dark match.  He hadn't been on TV yet, and I saw him.  YEAH I RAWK!

Triple H was average to somewhat decent for quite awhile.  He kept making his way up the ladder however.  DX second in command to DX leader.

Sophomoric mic work, always relying on cheap pops - and the outlook was that he wasn't going to get past upper midcard

Then in 99, he breaks from DX and joins the Corporation.

Triple H then started to begin building himself as a heel.

He is now a 4 time World Champion.

Triple H will be a legend.  I'm a sap who didn't even see the potential.  I'm a sap who cheered when Vince McMahon beat Triple H for the World Title.

So how was I turned?  When did I begin to bow down before Triple H, and reconizing him as a God among Men?

Fast Forward past Armageddon 99 - Steph McMahon has turned heel, and now Triple H is a McMahon.  The Couple is running the show now and their enemies are two men who have given them the most grief:  Mick Foley and The Rock.

Steph and HHH fire Foley and try the same for The Rock.  The Rock eventually brings Foley back.  Triple H still dominates them both however, after a loss Mick Foley gives everyone a BANG BANG.  Because dammit he's had enough.

First, I'd like to say that I'm a HUGE Mick Foley fan.  I admit I didn't see all of his WCW stuff.  But I liked Mankind when he was petting his pet rat.  Anyways, to see Triple H take it to Mick Foley like this, I was quite surprised.  Foley was the best brawler and inventive wrestler I'd ever seen and had quite the knack for making drama.

Bringing Cactus Jack was drama.  I suggest you rent Royal Rumble 2000.  In MSG, Triple H and Jack tore the f'n house down.  From opening to end it's one of the greatest matches I've ever seen.  Everyone had Cactus Jack pegged to win.  He didn't after 2 pedigrees (One on thumbtacks! ouch!)

Rematch time, No Way Out this time.  Hell in a Cell.  Mick Foley's career is on the line.  He's pegged to win.  Sorry, Triple H with Mick Foley's help churns out another classic and it leaves Triple H a bigger heel with Mick Foley now forced to quit the WWF.

Triple H continues throughout 2000 to hold great bouts against The Rock, Chris Jericho, and Chris Benoit

The guy can work a mic, and doesn't depend on catchphrases.

Lately, people are saying he's too dominant in the WWF.

Now that he's in the spotlight again as the mastermind behind the Austin run-down.

I agree with that, Kurt Angle is being left in the dust.

Kudos to Triple H though for being able to play the game, the backstage game.  I like seeing Triple H heel, and he deserves to beat the crap out of Austin after what happened at Summerslam (Jesse Ventura as ref)

The Game is Never Over

- Rob


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