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Random Crap 
Rob - 11/8/00

"What a Cop-out"

Yes a Random Post!  Wow, I'm one original bastard!

I haven't updated in awhile....Sorry.

I feel that a lot of the ideas that are swirling through my head need pictures to accompany them.  Pictures that include me in them.

Don't go get all hot and bothered about that.  Ok, go ahead.  Did that make you feel good?


Ray, is leaving genX....I guess, he never was a part of it, yet he was.  He's like a distant cousin.  He's a cool guy and I his site nothing but "shout outs", it's the thought that counts.


Thanks to Cable who posted my link on his funny ass site.  I suggest if you like to laugh about sickos in the world, click the link. it rawks.

It has MY endorsement so you should go.


I was watching The Shining with my friend on DVD.  Jack Nicholson is a f'n genius.  You know he came up with a lot of his own stuff as Jack Torrence.  Anyways we're watching the scene where Jack has his meeting with the original hacker of families Delbert Grady.  The dude is a butler, before he was a caretaker right?  Ok there are no pictures of Philip Stones the First the actor who portrayed Delbert Grady.  He also was a commander in Indian Jones and the Temple of Doom.  Anyways, he's the butler of the hotel (one of them anyways) he's bald and has gray hair around you know, winning a suit naturally.  His face is bland with an oval shape.  Throughout first meeting this butler, Jack constantly calls this butler something..

Jack Torrence:  Hey, what do they call you around here, Jeevies!?

Jeevies...hmmmm, I think I have found a picture of the butler - 

I corrected my family.....

Ask Jeeves took that from The Shining!  Their mascot, their cartoon spokesperson is one of the key characters.  Not only a key character.  But a murderous key character.

Rent the Shining, it's a classic, and now I fully endorse it as one.  It has spawned an information portal!


Next up - What's up with you people.  I know people are coming, and a few (few meaning 6?  10? coming regularly)  Why aren't some of you punk kids signing up to write for the site.  What's wrong with you!?


And remember, a object that's in motion stays in motion unless stopped by an unknown (?) force.  Now Get Out!


- Rob


Cable Rules
